The map gives an indication of the number of species recorded so far in each tetrad.
Green patches - no records yet
Grey squares are less than seven species and probably mostly represent birds recorded while someone is driving through a square.
Darkest red squares have between 35 and 70 species recorded - the result of timed tetrad visits, and people recording in the tetrads where they live or visit most often.
We have records from 358 tetrads
152 species were recorded
A minimum of 225,573 individual birds were recorded (where no count was entered, the number is assumed to be one - so really there were lots more)
At least 59 people contributed - not all from Pembrokeshire, and indeed one person has an address in Finland.
Lots more effort is needed, especially in the middle and north-east of the county, so please do contribute in the coming season - fieldwork starts again on November 1st.