The September counts were incomplete - lots of gaps including some of mine, I confess. The counts put on line (including Teifi counts) so far add up to the following:
Barnacle Goose 34
Bar-tailed Godwit 25
Black-headed Gull 1104
Black-tailed Godwit 12
Brent Goose 5
Brent Goose (Light-bellied) 2
Canada Goose 740
Common Gull 2
Common Sandpiper 7
Common Scoter 1
Coot 39
Cormorant 27
Curlew 515
Dunlin 133
Glossy Ibis 1
Golden Plover 2
Great Black-backed Gull 105
Great Crested Grebe 10
Greenshank 12
Grey Heron 23
Grey Plover 1
Guillemot 1
Herring Gull 950
Hybrid duck 3
Kingfisher 3
Knot 7
Lapwing 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull 509
Little Egret 54
Little Grebe 18
Mallard 344
Mediterranean Gull 8
Moorhen 29
Mute Swan 165
Oystercatcher 324
Razorbill 1
Redshank 145
Ringed Plover 65
Sanderling 4
Shag 10
Shelduck 16
Snipe 7
Spotted Crake 1
Teal 163
Tufted Duck 28
Turnstone 46
Water Rail 3
Whimbrel 1
Wigeon 2595
Grand Total 8318